:motdroidhoriz:How do you turn off the 3G so you can just use the Wifi? I have Droid 2 Global and when I go into settings and I can't seem to find anthing having to do with switching 3g to 2g to 1x and off. I want to turn it off when im using Wifi because I don't need it when I'm on Wifi. I've tried a couple of apps but they all only have the bluetooth/wifi/gps option to turn off. I found an app called Quick Settings that has an icon for 3G Mobile data that shows off but when I'm going to the Market and browsing on downloading something I see the 3 with the 2 arrows put up in the status bar letting me know it's doing 3G. Is this something done on purpose to get money from people? or is there a work around?:motdroidhoriz: