Camera issue in liberty


Active Member
Aug 13, 2010
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Ok. Im running liberty 1.0 on a dx with a 30.01 boot and the 340 base file. My problem is the camera. It acts like it takes the shot but all my new shots show as blank in the gallery. I have tried both the asop, liberty and the blur cameras with no luck. Suggestions? Or will this b fixed in 1.5?

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In what series should I update all of this?
Btw kernal is

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yea I did some digging and found out the reason I had 30.01 was due to my running on the 2.2 leaked os and forgot that was the backup image I was running on when I tried liberty.
So needless to say. If your running the Leaked Froyo OS.. sbf to 2.1 and OTA. ReRoot then install Liberty...

much better.
im having the same problem. but i have the correct kernal and bootloader. could it be the camera itself? and has anyone taken a droid x apart? ive got spares available to swap it if its possible.