
Thanks again poolshark and chevyboyz. Let's see how long those can keep my attention span, lol. Feel free to add any more. Take care, stay safe.

Sent from Tiger Paws DROID 2

How can you be bored with the Droid 2? Not being rude, but that absurd! The Android-based phones have so much potential and so much to do it's practically endless and would take years to cover EVERYTHING there is for the Android-based phones (Droid 2).

I'm practically piled up with things to do on my phone that I'm jumping back and forth on and don't see an end to it in the near future.

You don't have to be rooted but that's a door to open up to even more endless goodies that come with it.

First I was making text icons for all my apps but put that aside to learn more about API and the frameworks then I put that aside and started messing with all the music stuff then put that aside and now messing with the system remotes like Unified Remote, WIN Remote, VLC Remote, LogMeIn, XMBC, uTorrent Remote, Transdroid, etc. Remotely controlling my entire laptop's system, media and other stuff with my Droid 2. I just purchased Airway Express for the sound system so I can remotely control iTunes (on my laptop) from a distance and play music WHEREVER in my house by a push of the button on my Droid 2.

Also working on developing a stand-alone client torrent search for private torrent sites to add to my uTorrent without having it open up the web browser(not having much success with this but it's a work in progress).

There is just ENDLESS things to do on this phone. Heck, if you have the right tools, you can change the song playing out loud at your local airport to your preferred song (you may get arrested and I wouldn't try this unless you know what you're doing) was fun.
I'm in action during the night and need a little action during the day on my phone. Does that help a little?

Sent from Tiger Paws DROID 2

Well i do believe a third party group has produced an app so you can watch netflix on the droids now. I saw a thread on it earlier but cant remember it for anything. Might wanna search that
I use a sling box to watch cable tv on my droid. It sure passes the time. It would require buy a sling box and the app for it. Worth it if you ask me.
I'm not going to, and I don't have the means, sorry 252chevyboyz.

Sent from Tiger Paws DROID 2


that's fine if you're not going to, but you do have the means. You don't need a computer to root the Droid 2. There's a sticky at the top of the Droid 2 Hacks section which explains what you need to do, if you ever change your mind of course.

Have u tried geocashing?

sent from stock dx
