

Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
So for you who are dabbling with bootanimation...I've got this problem.

I have a non flash bootanimation that I manually inserted through root explorer from my sd card to my system\media root extension.

After doing this, nothing happened.

I've been looking through a lot of different forums and I can't find anything to get this to work.

Can anyone help?
Post at xda. I dk anything really about boot animation.

Sent from my SC'd 2.9.2 ComaVolt'd Fascinate
Ive been experimenting with it too.. I can only insert pre-made and zipped ones. They work. But if I try to edit the desc.txt file to change the frame rate or anything, then when I zip it back up it doesnt work.

So at the moment I've got the Thunderbolt boot anim but its choppy with no sound. Will let you know if I come up with a method of doing this easier... Until then, X2 to posting on xda. Report back if you figure it out.. As I'd like to know also.

Sent from my Overly Fascinating Samsung Fascinate @ 1.3ghz on SC 2.9.2 EC10 custom w/ Voodoo
Ive gotten mine to work now. If you can upload your file I can take a look and try to fix it...

Sent from my Overly Fascinating Samsung Fascinate @ 1.3ghz on SC 2.9.2 EC10 custom w/ Voodoo
U have to just make sure when u zip back up that u use store compression

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
The problem was, was that I wasn't in r/w mode. I could have sworn I was both times I went to copy \ paste the zip file, and it even showed the file in the directory. But apparently I wasn't O: