Bluetooth/USB Gamepad with Root?

Big Lou

Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
What's the probability of installing custom drivers for a bluetooth or usb gamepad if you Root your Droid? I'd love to use one for when I play emulators, and there doesn't seem to be an option for Android yet.
I'm really interested in finding out if it would be possible to use a controller with the droid also. Rooted or not. It would be real easy to hook a usb controller up to the phone with a simple usb extention.
i ordered a bluetooth gamepad the other day...i have no idea if it works with droid. i'll let you ppl know when i get it
Well i got it....but all i can get it to do is pair not connect:( i wish i wans't so dumb this gd gamepad is awesome!! guess i'll send it back lol
a little game-pad would not be bad idea for a lot of people...I wonder if there is any plan to support them (if they are not functional now).
I imagine the bluetooth stack on android doesn't support hid (Human Interface Device), but if the bluetooth stack they are using is open source (likely) then it shouldn't be too much work for someone to eventually either enable or add the capability. I'm refering to it being done via a custom rom, but if the stack has support and it's just disabled then a high enough consumer demand might convince google to enable it by default.
What i'm trying to do is use my D2G with the nes controller app. to connect to my abdroid tablet that has nesoid on it. not sure if its possible but i'm sure someone could write some code and make it work.

may not be able to use nesoid though because i dont think it has native bluetooth or wifi support.

i guess you could map the nes controller app to convert the button presses into key strokes and then in nesoid set those key strockes as U,D,L,R start select and A,B...

i dunno any ideas?