This theme is HDPI only and requires that you have ROOT and the Tmobile theme engine theme chooser. If this is your first time using a theme engine apk PLEASE read the instructions below
Whats Themed
This theme includes over 2000 images that will theme basically all system apps and many others including but not limited too twitter clients such as plume and tweetdeck, Pandora, Handcent and more.
Also most anything I do is always a work in progress I just believe this theme is at a release point so that I can start getting feedback and see what types of things users would like to see changed or added in updates
Install Instructions:
1. Make a backup just in case
2. Download and install blacKrome.apk like any other app
3. Go to the tmobile theme chooser and select blacKrome
4. Reboot to insure that all images have applied
5. Enjoy and thank you for your support
2. Download and install blacKrome.apk like any other app
3. Go to the tmobile theme chooser and select blacKrome
4. Reboot to insure that all images have applied
5. Enjoy and thank you for your support
Download Link: Blackrome V2
Thanks to:Haxzamatic, BSThemes and DJdarkknight for all the work they put into the theme engine, kovdev for his help with my wip adw theme, anyone who has tested this chanpolokote, Pleirosei and nmiltner especially and also thanks to Bboy, ecsnead and cush2push(the fellahs I generally go to first with qs and always willing to help out in any way) Also thanks to anyone I have forgotten, the android community for being what it is, and im sure many others.
Please feel free to post any and all feedback and your thoughts. Also If you have other things you would like to see themed let me know and I will try to get them added.
While this apk has been tested and shouldnt present any problems to you neither I nor this site take any responsibility for what YOU choose to do with your phone