Bionic owner


New Member
Jan 12, 2012
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New to the forum but lurked here for quite some time. I rooted my Incredible(easy) and since then updated to a bionic. I had a friend help me that is super techy and I guess I should have paid a little more attention to the process.

Right now I have a Th3ory Rom (R3BLURR3D) v2.0. He also installed something called 3XP3RI3NCE. I was wondering what process I would have to do to update to a newer rom. I have read many of posts but i thought it would be better to ask before I jumped into it. Im loving everything right now except the data(sounds like everyone is having the same issue). I live in a 4G area and there are times when I just dont get it, nor do I get 3G. My wife and I can be in target standing next to each other and her iphone will get data service but mine will not. Wondering if maybe I needed to do an update to the phone since it hasnt been updated since i installed the rom(im new to all this so maybe it doesnt).

A lot of this is my fault I should have paid more attention but im ready to learn. Id like to update my phone if need be without bugging my buddy everytime something newer or cooler comes out.
Hello and welcome to the forum!

Most of the Bionic ROMs are built on .886 or .893 - there are a couple for .901 which you would need to upgrade your system to run those (this is what I am guessing ya want to do). There is a thread (I will locate that link for ya) and paste it back in here...just follow the steps and you should be fine.

Here is the link...
Thank you so much. I was just reading that too. I looked and I am running 5.5.893. Now to find out what to do.
So it seems that you haven't taken any of the could probably restore your stock rooted backup (if you have one), unroot and take the available updates under "about phone" "update system"...
Id be willing to go back to 100% stock if it meant my data would stop dropping. The only reason I rooted was to have wifi tether. removing the bloat is nice too though. Time to search around some more.