Better service? And key board?


New Member
Jan 23, 2012
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I have a friend with Verizon and it's an older phone it's not even a smart phone. She gets good service where I get none. Why? And I was wondering if there was a way ti get the keyboard to make its the right way like it's and ill I'll without clicking in the suggestions bar. Idw a keyboard from the market because they end up sending boxes in my text messages and really makes my girlfriend mad when we are arguing or just even talking lol. Thanks for the help. :)

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No one??

Sent from my DROID3 using DroidForums
No one??

Sent from my DROID3 using DroidForums

You probably haven't received an answer because your question doesn't make sense! Read it out loud and ask yourself if it makes sense to you. After that, edit your original post into proper grammatical sentences and you will surely get the answers you desire.
What? Nah, i'm kidding. I think i know what hes asking. But it still doesnt make sense. What, you cant just type out the word with the '? Its just a couple of keystrokes to turn cant into can't. About the boxes thing, you lost me there. My phone has never done that before... and about the service... yeah, i dunno what motorola is doing with their phones anymore. My buddies busted up og droid always seems to have better signal than me... i swear they do this on purpose....

And why are you using the onscreen keyboard, you got a slideout remember? Lol
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the boxes sound like you are sending in a language or font her phone doesn't understand what program are you texting with? EDIT im not sure my post made sense either lol.
Dial *22899 monthly to update PRLs for improved reception and turn roaming to automatic in call settings.

Experiment with your keyboard settings. Try other keyboards. 2 free ones with reasonable permissions: Hacker's and Perfect