Benefits vs. Risk to rooting my X


New Member
Jul 15, 2010
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First off let me say that I left my BlackBerry Storm 1 for the X.....and not a second has gone by that I have missed my :blackberry: dancedroid. Love the Droid for everything it.....does...pun intended. Now I'm looking to get a little deeper into the capabilities of the phone and want to know what rooting can do for me. I know it can make the phone a bit snappier by not starting up so many applications and using launcher pro or pro plus and a good task killer to speed it up. But, that's the only thing I'm aware of at the current time and I'm not sure if that is enough for me to take the plunge. I did, however, read about underclocking the voltage of the device to save batter life which REALLY peaked my interest but due to time constraints I had not done much more than skim over the possibility on the forums. Any quick advice would be great and links to any how to's I may need that aren't in the How To Forum would be great. Thanks a bunch...patiently waiting 2.2 as well so if rooting now will complicate that upgrade...official or not, I will wait. Thanks!
Launcher Pro is available for non-rooted people. and as far as rooting the Droid X its really simple just a one button click i believe, i dont personally have a Droid X but as far as rooting goes you can overclock, underclock, install themes, remove un-needed apps that come with the phone using root explorer, you can use wifi tether without paying anything to verizon, and uhhh much more :)
Free wifi tethering is definitely news to me. Thank you for the info and I will be taking the plunge when I return from my trip.