Before You Accept The Verizon Galaxy S5 Update...


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Oct 6, 2011
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We announced earlier today that Verizon was rolling out the latest and greatest build of Android for the Galaxy S5! Every Root user understands that when Verizon releases an update they will always patch previous known root methods. This is still the case with the latest update for the Verizon Galaxy S5. Some users are also reporting that once you receive the OTA update not only will you not be able to regain root, you also will not be able to downgrade. It appears that the signing keys have been changed.

It seems as if TowelRoot will not be updated to support this new version of Touch Wiz either. This phone was incredibly challenging to root in the first place so who knows how long it will be until we see another root method for the new update. If you are interested in keeping root on this device my advice to you is to stay away from the update. If you really want to run the updated version of Touch Wiz on your Galaxy S5 just be patient developers will have a prerooted Rom available for you to flash soon.
I have to stay with Verizon on our business account, but the next phone I buy on my personal account will be from Tmo.
I have to stay with Verizon on our business account, but the next phone I buy on my personal account will be from Tmo.

YUP. When VZW announced that they were putting the screws on the grandfathered unlimited users I decided to leave. I've been trying out the TMo network for the past month with a Moto G LTE, and it's not too bad. I fully committed to leaving VZW about 30 minutes ago...

I got my hands on an invite last night and ordered a 64GB OnePlus One.
YUP. When VZW announced that they were putting the screws on the grandfathered unlimited users I decided to leave. I've been trying out the TMo network for the past month with a Moto G LTE, and it's not too bad. I fully committed to leaving VZW about 30 minutes ago...

I got my hands on an invite last night and ordered a 64GB OnePlus One.
Didn't know you wanted a One +. They sent me an invite a few weeks ago that I have no intention of using.
Ha! Aw man, I never thought to ask for an invite here since there was no OnePlus section. It's a madhouse online to get one! I tried the official OnePlus forums, Reddit, joining groups, then I said screw it. Instead I just used my job to get directly in contact with people at OnePlus earlier this week and got the invite in my mailbox last night.