Bean's Custom Stock Rom
*Based off of NoSympathy's Deodexed OTA VRALG1*
*Imoseyons Lean Kernel*
*Overclockable to 1.9ghz*
*CM9 Style K-Exec*
*True Init.D Support*
*Custom Boot Animation Support*
*Enabled Verizons Mobile Hotspot*
*Took out Fading/Increasing Ringtones*
*Removed Annoying Location Icon*
*Wifi Tether*
*Enabled All Rotations*
*CPU script*
*Customized Toggles*
*Themed Toggles & Battery*
*Center Clock flashable mod*
*Jelly-Bean Animation's*
*Native Call Recording*
*Added Ringtones MIUI/CM*
*AOSP Keyboard*
*Build.prop Tweaks*
* 4-way Reboot Menu*
*Bravia Engine*
*Beats Audio*
*Removed Carrier Label*
*Removed Vzw ****/Bloat*
*International Boot Anims*
*Alot of Apps Install to /data for Easy Removal*
**50Gb Free Dropbox**
Samsung- For our Beast Phone and Actually Making This Rom
Team Synergy- wifi tether, cleanup script and wifi notification script
Imoseyon- For letting me use his kernel and adding the bootanim support/init.d
Ouy_Redrum- for Helping Me Deodex, The Idea, Build Prop Edits, And For Influence In the Selection Of Mods
NoSympathy- For The VRALG1 OTA Deodexed Rom this is based off of
Aimman12 - For Bravia Engine
Wannam - For The Call Recording Mod
Hikarugo - For the Jelly Bean Animations
Team Xposed- For some system UI mod tutorials & fixing my systemui
smokin1337-cpu script
Maybe More if i forgot u let me know and i will add you!
Build 5 - 7-31-12
-Imoseyons Lean Kernel
-CM9 Style K-Exec
-True Init.D Support (no more recovery install nags)
-Custom Boot Animation Support
-Took out Fading/Increasing Ringtones
-Enabled Verizons Mobile Hotspot
-enabled all rotations in apps
-cleaned up a little
R3.1 7-28-12
-fixed no touch/camera audio
-more theming
-added cpu script (in terminal, "su" then "cpu")
-reverted to stock email
-stock clock now (center clock flashable)
-prob some more i forgot
R3 7-26-12
-Based on Newest OTA VRALG1 Retained old search tho
-Fixed Ghost notifications
-Redid Toggles (added powersaver)
-Added Native Wifi Tether
-Fixed Poweramp/dspmanager issue(removed xloud)
-Added Cleanup Script on install
-Working Init.d Support
-Working removal of wifi notification
-Added More Stock apps to /data for easy removal
-added genie widget (aosp news & weather)
Theme's / extras:
Center clock mod:
Install Instructions:
Step 1-
Make sure u have a Kexec enabled recovery installed i suggest using ez recovery and installing cwm and up
Step 2-
Wipe all(factory reset and davlick wipe) if coming from an old build
Step 3-
Install the Rom
Step 4-
Reboot and Enjoy! (may look like ur bootlooping at first but thats just kexec doing its thing
[URL="http://goo.im/devs/BeansTown106/SGS3vzw/BeansThemedCenterClock.zip"]Note's / Disclaimer:
Rom is 100% Better After using nosympathys stock deodexed base where everything deodexed fine
When installing and rebooting it will reboot into recovery and automatically kexec the kernel might look like its bootlooping but its not
You might be able to run this without a kexec recovery but you probably wont have init.d support or bootanimation support (not recommended!)
I nor anyone who builds androids is responsible if you break your phone you do so at your own risk!
All credit to: BeansTown106
*Based off of NoSympathy's Deodexed OTA VRALG1*
*Imoseyons Lean Kernel*
*Overclockable to 1.9ghz*
*CM9 Style K-Exec*
*True Init.D Support*
*Custom Boot Animation Support*
*Enabled Verizons Mobile Hotspot*
*Took out Fading/Increasing Ringtones*
*Removed Annoying Location Icon*
*Wifi Tether*
*Enabled All Rotations*
*CPU script*
*Customized Toggles*
*Themed Toggles & Battery*
*Center Clock flashable mod*
*Jelly-Bean Animation's*
*Native Call Recording*
*Added Ringtones MIUI/CM*
*AOSP Keyboard*
*Build.prop Tweaks*
* 4-way Reboot Menu*
*Bravia Engine*
*Beats Audio*
*Removed Carrier Label*
*Removed Vzw ****/Bloat*
*International Boot Anims*
*Alot of Apps Install to /data for Easy Removal*
**50Gb Free Dropbox**
Samsung- For our Beast Phone and Actually Making This Rom
Team Synergy- wifi tether, cleanup script and wifi notification script
Imoseyon- For letting me use his kernel and adding the bootanim support/init.d
Ouy_Redrum- for Helping Me Deodex, The Idea, Build Prop Edits, And For Influence In the Selection Of Mods
NoSympathy- For The VRALG1 OTA Deodexed Rom this is based off of
Aimman12 - For Bravia Engine
Wannam - For The Call Recording Mod
Hikarugo - For the Jelly Bean Animations
Team Xposed- For some system UI mod tutorials & fixing my systemui

smokin1337-cpu script
Maybe More if i forgot u let me know and i will add you!
Build 5 - 7-31-12
-Imoseyons Lean Kernel
-CM9 Style K-Exec
-True Init.D Support (no more recovery install nags)
-Custom Boot Animation Support
-Took out Fading/Increasing Ringtones
-Enabled Verizons Mobile Hotspot
-enabled all rotations in apps
-cleaned up a little
R3.1 7-28-12
-fixed no touch/camera audio
-more theming
-added cpu script (in terminal, "su" then "cpu")
-reverted to stock email
-stock clock now (center clock flashable)
-prob some more i forgot
R3 7-26-12
-Based on Newest OTA VRALG1 Retained old search tho
-Fixed Ghost notifications
-Redid Toggles (added powersaver)
-Added Native Wifi Tether
-Fixed Poweramp/dspmanager issue(removed xloud)
-Added Cleanup Script on install
-Working Init.d Support
-Working removal of wifi notification
-Added More Stock apps to /data for easy removal
-added genie widget (aosp news & weather)
Theme's / extras:
Center clock mod:
Install Instructions:
Step 1-
Make sure u have a Kexec enabled recovery installed i suggest using ez recovery and installing cwm and up
Step 2-
Wipe all(factory reset and davlick wipe) if coming from an old build
Step 3-
Install the Rom
Step 4-
Reboot and Enjoy! (may look like ur bootlooping at first but thats just kexec doing its thing

[URL="http://goo.im/devs/BeansTown106/SGS3vzw/BeansThemedCenterClock.zip"]Note's / Disclaimer:
Rom is 100% Better After using nosympathys stock deodexed base where everything deodexed fine
When installing and rebooting it will reboot into recovery and automatically kexec the kernel might look like its bootlooping but its not
You might be able to run this without a kexec recovery but you probably wont have init.d support or bootanimation support (not recommended!)
I nor anyone who builds androids is responsible if you break your phone you do so at your own risk!
All credit to: BeansTown106
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