When Social Network star Jesse Eisenberg was cast as Lex Luthor there were concerns that Zack Snyder may go old school comics or Gene Hackman (in the Christopher Reeves Superman movies) like allowing Jesse to keep his hair. Well photos surfaced of Jesse Eisenberg and he is sporting the iconic Lex Luthor bald look as well as a menacing face to go with it. I am looking forward to seeing what Zack Snyder will do with this DC universe that he is saying will be more grounded, darker, and grittier than the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
I know that Batman is DC's favorite, but I wish they didn't try to make ALL their heroes darker and grittier and "more like Batman." I'm interested to see where Snyder takes this movie, but the fact that it's titled Batman v Superman and draws inspiration from Frank Miller's (yuck) Dark Knight Returns makes me cringe as a Superman fan. I think that Jesse will play a good Lex Luthor, though.