A number of public interest advocacy groups have recently written a letter to the FCC in opposition to the proposed AT&T and T-Mobile merger. Some of the groups that signed the letter include the Consumers Union, Public Knowledge, the Open Technology Initiative of the New America Foundation, the National Hispanic Media Coalition, Future of Music Coalition, Media Access Project, and the Free Press. Their letter requests FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski to “convene a series of field hearings around the country to hear from the people who could be most affected by the merger of AT&T and T-Mobile.” The letter further points out that the advocacy groups believe the acquisition would give AT&T control of nearly 80% of the U.S. wireless market and that, “prices would rise, jobs would be lost, and innovation would suffer.” The letter also indicated the merger is a "matter of great public concern" and that the FCC should hold the hearings before September to solicit more comment from the public and engage with consumers. "If approved, the merger would have serious repercussions around the country. The commission should not consider this merger without seeking direct input from those most impacted."
Let's hear from you guys. Do you think this merger is a good thing, a bad thing, or neither?
Source: BGR and Advocacy Group Letter .pdf