AT&T Suing Verizon


Nov 3, 2009
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I searched for this here but didn't turn up any results.

Can't believe they are suing Verizon, so petty. Inc. is filing a lawsuit against Verizon Wireless over its competitor's "There's a Map for That" commercials, according to Associated Press.

AT&T filed the suit in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia Tuesday accusing Verizon of false advertising and deceptive trade practices.

The Verizon commercials are in response to AT&T's "There's an App for That" ads touting the thousands of applications that can be used on its smart phones.

Verizon's ads show United States maps with areas highlighted to depict its available "3G" coverage -- which allows users to access data faster.

In comparison, it displays a map with AT&T's "3G" coverage with blank spaces to show where the service is not available.

AT&T says those maps are misleading because there is still coverage in areas where "3G" service is not offered.
Thanks I knew it had to be here, but so many new posts and you cant search AT&T.
Ican't sue for valid reasons. Ican't wait to see this fail. Ican't stop laughing at this.
I forget which user on Twitter said it, but when I first read the headline, their headline said, "AT&T to Verizon: There's a lawsuit for that." LOL!