So. Bought the phone in the States because our Canadian version has a sad watered down version.smaller battery.boot screen is lame and its not a droid in Canada.just a Motorola razor HD l t e. Put my carriers sim card in. All good to go. Was unlocked.its a Verizon phone by the way.all is mint except no matter what I can't send or receive MMS. Wife sent me from her cell just says download or reject I press download and nothing. She doesn't even receive anything at all from me but at least I get message from her saying she sent something lol I just can't open. All my APN are correct .spent hours with my carrier making sure all is perfect. I've turned it off and on and reset it and took sim card out u name it. Is this thing just not destined to work for m m s. I hate third party apps because not everyone runs whatsapp or go sms. I am able to send her pics via the whatsapp just not thru the regular way.if this can't be fixed is there a way where I can download a third party app and send messages and pics to people without them having to download that app and have say go SMS be my main app and just add peoples cells or do they have to have that app. I suppose that's y there 3rd party. Ugh f m l this is making no sense .