Apple and HBO Announced HBO Now Streaming Launch Details


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Dec 30, 2010
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Apple and HBO shocked us all when they started off their livestream event by announcing the HBO Now streaming service as an exclusive for Apple TV. It will be available in early April for $14.99.

If you sign up for a subscription early enough, you will be able to watch Game of Thrones' opening season 5. Also, for those who sign up before April 12th, you will get one month for free.

This might not be the greatest news for folks who are not fans of Apple, but at least it's a way for us to get the HBO Now service. Perhaps the service being exclusive to the Apple TV is only a timed exclusive and the HBO Now service will come to other devices in the future.

Alternatively, even though it is an Apple TV exclusive, you will also be able to watch HBO Now on the internet through a PC at website (once it goes live in April. The other good news is that the Apple TV's price is dropping to just $69.99.

Here is a link to the HBO Now sign up:
Here's a video teaser from HBO for the HBO Now service:

Apple must have dumped a big pile of cash to get the exclusive deal. And when HBO realizes its not getting much return on the service, they'll drop Apple. Buying customers is one way for Apple to increase its numbers even if only marginally and temporarily.
Current AppleTV Price Drop is because of the New one Coming Soon. I will Live with my HBOGo.
This exclusivity is temporary. Someone reached out to HBO regarding this issue and HBO replied:

HBO NOW will roll out to more devices and platforms soon. Stay tuned, and thanks for asking.
I mean, I kinda figured it was a timed exclusive and all, but I was still very annoyed at this. I have waited patiently since it was announced last year, just to have the equivalent of a sucker gut punch bestowed upon me by HBO.

Meh, is what it is I suppose.
Yeah... it is more than likely a timed exclusive, but the fact that the Apple TV is only $69.99 now, makes it pretty appealing anyway. More than likely we will see it come to the Amazon TV, the Xbox One, and maybe the Roku and PS4 as well within a month or two.