App Updates not installing in Market?


New Member
May 20, 2011
Reaction score
I just inherited a Droid 2, and flashed Liberty 2.0.1 onto it the other day.
The biggest problem I am having right now is trying to update a few apps that come stock on the Liberty install, Google Voice and OI File Manager. When I try to update these through the market the install fails, and gives the message "Package file was not signed correctly." I tried to uninstall the apps to reinstall, but uninstall fails on both of them. I've also tried reflashing Liberty, but that didn't seem to help at all. Does anyone have any idea why it is behaving this way?

Fortunately I haven't activated this phone yet, and am still using my OG droid until I can get this new one fully set up.
Finally found a solution, uninstalling via terminal emulator.
Uninstall Google Voice from Nexus One - Android Help

login the phone and with terminal emulator:
$su -
#mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system (press enter)
#cd /system/app
#rm googlevoice.apk

then reboot the phone. Now it allow you to install again.

After rebooting the phone I was able to reinstall both apps via the market. Hurrah!