App to replace Bloo


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Apr 12, 2010
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With the change in Facebook's authentication/api interfaces and the crushing of my hopes for bloo two I have begun my search for a new notifications app as bloo isn't really getting all of them anymore. Has anyone found a good app (paid or free) that they really like for notifications? I can't believe they haven't integrated something like this into the stock FB application and only allow notifications form messages, requests, and events...

Bump. There gotta be someone who knows of another good app? I'm only getting about half my notifications right now :(.
After a very cursory search at AppBrain it looks to me like the leading candidate might be "F+." Dev is asking $1.25. I haven't installed it yet but will probably give it a try. The following user comment is what makes me think this is probably the most promising potential Bloo replacement:

"This app DOES work. I personally of course cannot speak for anyone else but it works for me to the point that it is actually annoying. I'm an avid Facebook user and my phone now goes off constantly even when someone has simply "liked" a status i have posted. For all those who it doesnt work for i would suggest you maybe change its settings. Currently i have Blue set to search my fb account for any changes at 5 minute intervals. I have it linked to the mobile fb site rather than the stock fb app. I have a strong feeling you guys are probably setting it to search the POS stock facebook app... why would you do that when the whole reason you downloaded blue in the first place was because the stock app sucks at pushing notifications... Actually it just doesnt! Or maybe you people are having a hardware issue? currently i have this app running on my 2.2 nexus one; again its been working perfect for me for about a week. Only issue is that my phone now constantly rings and sometimes the little red blip displaying the number of notifcaions you have on the widget sometimes lingers there even after youve checked them. Anyway i would give this app 10 stars if i could. This developer has done something here which should have come built into the official fb app for android but doesnt and thats push notifications to your phone. this app has actually saved my ass too a girl posted something to my wall that she shouldnt have and i knew immidiatly and was able to delete. thankyou dev."
I would LOVE to hear how it works for you. I am a Bloo user also, and I was so disappointed to hear that the dev decided to cancel Bloo Too.
Quick status report.

1. The app is called f-plus, not f+ as I typed above. Searching for f+ won't bring it up in the market.

2. I got a warning that I had already installed and uninstalled the app so I won't be eligible for a refund of my $1.27 if I uninstall it again. I'm not troubled by having already uninstalled it once, as I think the thought process back then was that it didn't do anything Bloo didn't do. That rationale doesn't seem to be the case anymore.

3. I had a problem with it force-closing when it tried to log in to Facebook. I re-started the phone and that solved the force-close problem.

4. It does indeed notify me in the phone notifications area of new Facebook postings and comments of the type I specified in the F-plus preferences.

5. I also have it set to flash the LED blue when there is a new Facebook notification. I haven't confirmed that that part of it works, even though I did get written a Facebook notification, but I suspect that is because the LED was already flashing one of the other colors for one of the other types of notifications on my phone. This raises the more general issue of whether the OS would permit the LED to cycle between different colors so we know we have more than one different type of notification pending.

6. When I clicked on the written notification in the phone notifications area, it took me to what I assume was the F-plus app, not the official Facebook for Android app. There was a dark blue border around the comment box at the bottom of the screen that I am pretty sure isn't part of the official app. There are lots of settings for which app you want it to trigger and I will probably have to tinker with these.
I have been using f-plus (and yes if you search "F+" in the market you do indeed get the right application by Chris Banes as the first item) for a few weeks now and have found it to be much better than bloo 1.5 beta. Since my purchase the developer has added places, and photo uploading and monir bug fixes. He is also working on push notifications, currently you can have it check in a variety of time frames from every minute to every 24 hours.

Be sure to check out all the settings as there is a lot of costumization that can be done.
I decided to give this a try because of Bloo not really catching every notification these days, and the stock Facebook app being complete junk. (Stock FB only checks for notifications every half hour at the most, and uses the browser for half of its functions).

I thought F+ was going to be an all-in-one type of FB app like Bloo was, but it turns out it is actually just an app the dev wants you to use in ADDITION to the stock FB app. F+ only has notification service, places and photo upload. No news feed, no commenting on others' walls, hell no even viewing others' walls.

If I've missed something, or if I am using the app incorrectly, someone please let me know. I so desperately want this to work!

I've attached a screenshot of the only options available to me in F+.


  • fplus.jpg
    27.4 KB · Views: 309
I decided to give this a try because of Bloo not really catching every notification these days, and the stock Facebook app being complete junk. (Stock FB only checks for notifications every half hour at the most, and uses the browser for half of its functions).

I thought F+ was going to be an all-in-one type of FB app like Bloo was, but it turns out it is actually just an app the dev wants you to use in ADDITION to the stock FB app. F+ only has notification service, places and photo upload. No news feed, no commenting on others' walls, hell no even viewing others' walls.

If I've missed something, or if I am using the app incorrectly, someone please let me know. I so desperately want this to work!

I've attached a screenshot of the only options available to me in F+.

You are absolutely right, it is indeed just an application for notification purposes not a facebook replacement app. I use pure messenger (great widget to view what friends post on their walls including pictures) and F-plus as my main facebook applications to stay upto date and connected and the android facebook app becomes secondary. It stinks that we have to use 2 paid apps to do what the android facbook app should do normally.

FYI, pure messenger is also great to use for twitter, email, text, and phone calls. I like the list view it provides.