Why will the app market only dowload over wifi?
I tried to get an app this mornig and then it said it was paused until wifi connection.
I recently froze some stuff in TB but not anything that looked like it was tied to the app market.
Not that this is a huge deal right now, I will have to wait until I get home to clear the exclimation marks in the notification bar.
But like most of you out there,"I WANT AN UMPA LUMPA AND I WANT IT NOW DADDY!"
Thanks to all the amazing folks out there helping tards like me.
Why will the app market only dowload over wifi?
I tried to get an app this mornig and then it said it was paused until wifi connection.
I recently froze some stuff in TB but not anything that looked like it was tied to the app market.
Not that this is a huge deal right now, I will have to wait until I get home to clear the exclimation marks in the notification bar.
But like most of you out there,"I WANT AN UMPA LUMPA AND I WANT IT NOW DADDY!"
Thanks to all the amazing folks out there helping tards like me.