Any way to add Blur Widgets?


Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Really enjoying the speed and smoothness of GJ2.5. Only Blur I find myself missing is the E-mail & Social widgets. Tried installing them from the .apk that Fab provided for all the removed Blur apps, but they don't show. I am guessing some of the Blur framework needed to run them is not in GJ2.5. Anyone know if it is possible to add these back or is it back to Pure Widgets for me?
Really enjoying the speed and smoothness of GJ2.5. Only Blur I find myself missing is the E-mail & Social widgets. Tried installing them from the .apk that Fab provided for all the removed Blur apps, but they don't show. I am guessing some of the Blur framework needed to run them is not in GJ2.5. Anyone know if it is possible to add these back or is it back to Pure Widgets for me?

I'm loving GJ 2.5, and I'm not 100% sure that you cannot add back all or some of the blur widgets. Since Gummy is an attempt at aosp android, I know a lot of blur was removed on purpose. From what I've read, many blur widgets and apps depend on other blur widgets and apps, making it difficult to choose just one or two apps you want to use while excluding certain others.

I think there is some blur info in the framework that gets removed in aosp roms as well that can hinder blur functions.

If you really really want more blur, I recommend Apex roms. They are super fast and battery is great. If I'm not on Gummy, I'm on Apex. Apex seems to have nailed the perfect blend of blur and non-blur for the X.

I know I didn't answer your question exactly, but maybe someone smarter can chime in about the widgets :icon_ banana: