Another New Droid User


New Member
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
Hello all,

I'm a newbie to this board and wanted to say hi. I'm a relatively new Motorola Droid X2 user as I purchased one for my computer consulting business in Seattle, Washington. Other than the canned e-mail client on the phone, I love everything about it and especially, all the great apps. As far as the e-mail client, it's not very intuitive and has trouble sending e-mail through any SMTP server. After hours of technical support calls between Verizon, CenturyLink, and Motorola, I was able to figure out that the problem with sending e-mail was with the e-mail client itself and the Motorola technician was good enough to suggest downloading and installing the free K9 mail app. K9 mail solved the problem with flying colors. It's a lot more robust and customizable than the canned app and given the fact that Sentry link doesn't support Droids or any other Android device and Verizon wireless is unaware of the problem, K9 worked out to be a pretty sweet deal. So, I'm a happy camper and when I run across an issue I'm glad this board is a good resource for solutions what with all you savvy people out there who have solved your own droid/cellular service provider problems. So thanks!

Welcome to the board Phil! Should've came here first before calling those 3 companies:D
Welcome to Droid Forums Phil!! dancedroid
Hello and welcome!
Hey, welcome to droidforums.

-AqworldThunder ;) ^…^ ¶.¶ *.* Thank me if i helped please!
Welcome to the forum! Glad you figured out your email problem. As Dezy said, we probably could have recommended that app in a lot shorter time then having to call all those places. :p

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Thank you all for the kind welcome! I had figured the problem was with the canned app but didn't realize Qwest/Century link doesn't support Droid devices and believe me, my first thought there was "you gotta be kidding me!" I mean what kind of communication company doesn't support Droid devices? One with no foresight, I'm guessing. Hmm!:biggrin:
Welcome to the forum.

-AqworldThunder ;) ^…^ ¶.¶ *.* Thank me if i helped please!