Annoying google voice!


Dec 12, 2009
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So today I got a voicemail one called, it just popped up in my notification bar. It wasn't the typical google voice notification where it told me to check my was the one where I had to dial the google number and enter my 4 digit pin. Well, I did that, and it said I had no new messages. Now I can't get this damn notification to go away. I did a battery pull and everything. What the hell???
I got mine about 8 days ago. I still have that notification and I have made sure everything is cleared via phone and via GV web. At this point I'd miss that little symbol in the notification bar.....
I wouldn't miss it at all. This is REALLY starting to piss me off. I even deleted google voice and it's still there.
Call your verizon number and clear all messages... this happened to me once too... the notification is from verizon and not google voice. Someone happened to get into your verizon voice mail and left a message.
Call your verizon number and clear all messages... this happened to me once too... the notification is from verizon and not google voice. Someone happened to get into your verizon voice mail and left a message.

That was it, thanks. So how exactly do they get into my verizon voicemail?
Another there a way to make it ring less? When I call my cell number, it rings FOREVER, like there is no voicemail. Is there a way to make it to when someone calls me they can get to my voicemail faster?
dial you cell number from your cell phone. if that doesn't work then turn off goole voice then call again.
Oh for crap sakes!!! That was it here too. All I can figure is that the VZ VM picked up before the GVM. This has happened a couple of times where my forwarded work phone picked up at virtually the same time and I got VM both at work and on Google.

Thanks for the tip!!