With all the different Android phones being sold, as well as being on every carrier, we should be ahead of Apple. I'm not sure why this is such a big deal. If anything this article should read, "Google ahead of Apple by a mere %3.7, despite selling multiple phones on multiple carriers"
When apple sells different versions of their phone (and they never will) then this will mean something.
it's a HUGE trend, imo. how many years has the iOS been around? and, how many years, with how many different phones, and how many different carriers has RIM been around? in a little over a year, Andy has overtaken the iOS, and is closing in, FAST, on RIM. to me, that speaks volumes.
the iP4 (and 5) on vzw will have an impact on the market shares, no question. but, given the recent trends of how fast Andy has been outselling iOS, i don't think that Andy is going to take a huge hit. it will take a hit, no question, but i think the biggest hit is going to be to RIM, unless it comes out with something spectacular, and soon. at year's end, my prediction is: #1 Andy; #2 iOS; and RIM making a dramatic fall to #3. If iOS were to overtake Andy, i don't think it would be at the expense of Andy users (although there will be some), but at RIM's expense.
although i understand it to some extent, if i were Andy or Apple, i wouldn't be focused so much on trying to convince people that Andy is better than iOS or vice versa. instead, i would be targeting BlackBerry users, since i think that is who's vulnerable, and where the greatest potential for customer growth lies.