Android & Manga Team-Up for 'Sweet Android High-School' Japanese Comic


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Sometimes, Android fans are also Manga fans, and vice versa. If you haven't heard of Manga, it's basically the Japanese equivalent of American Comic Books, although Manga tends to be a great deal longer than your average Marvel or DC series and is read from right to left instead of left to right. If you have heard of Anime, it's useful to know that a great deal of Anime is inspired by or pays tribute to Manga. (If you haven't heard of Anime, it is basically Japanese Animation, like a Disney flick or Saturday morning cartoons, although that is a vast oversimplification as most Anime tends to be far more complex than your average episode of "Scooby Doo.")

At any rate, the reason we are bringing up this topic is because there is a new Manga series available that pays direct tribute to, and uses content from the burgeoning Android industry. It is called, "Sweet Android High-School," and the characters in the Manga series are all named after big players in the Android and mobile tech landscape. Here's an example of several of the characters' names,
  • Moto-Laura-chan (Motorola)
  • Sam-Sung-chan (Samsung)
  • H-T-Syee-chan (HTC)
  • Elle-G-chan (LG)
  • Soni-Eri-chan (Sony Ericsson)
  • Sharp-chan (Sharp)
  • Fuji-Toru-chan (Fujitsu-Toshiba)
  • Kashio-Nko-chan (Casio-NEC)
Interestingly, the Manga actually chronicles the adventures of these characters in many ways that mirror what is going on in the real mobile landscape. For example, Professor Google is actually married to Moto-Laura-chan, although it is made clear that he doesn't give her any special advantages over the other students. Additionally, the characters all wear distinctive clothing pieces that give some hint as to who they are named after. The most obvious example is Moto-Laura-chan, because of the head-band she is wearing that looks like the Motorola logo. Even Apple is included in the series, and is represented by a character that goes to a different High School who is frequently arguing with Sam-Sung-chan.

If we hadn't seen this online for ourselves, it might have been easy to dismiss this as some sort of early April-fool's joke, but luckily for fans of Android and Manga, it isn't! Check out more at the source link below.

Source: TheNextWeb
Hahaha i remember reading something about this but didnt knw it was actually made ^_^ best of both worlds i guess ^_^
I see someone in a turtleneck holding an Apple in that logo. GEE I WONDER WHO THAT IS!

I gotta admit that I'd love to see someone make a scanlation of this thing. It looks like it'd be a hilarious read.
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Wow...Moto's...ummm...stacked. :blink:

generally with the OS-tans, as they are called... breast size indicates memory usage along with how much they eat, go look up windows OS-tans... check windows xp,

OS-tan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

XP-tan is a dark-haired girl with ribbons in her hair and an "XP" hair ornament typically worn on the left side. As Windows XP is criticized for bloating a system and being very pretty without being as useful, XP-tan is commonly depicted wearing very tight clothing with huge breasts. Additionally, as a reference to the memory usage of Windows XP, she is often seen eating or holding an empty rice bowl labeled "Memory". Some variants include a version for XP Home known as "Homeko" who has green hair which she wears in a short ponytail with two large XP-shaped hairclips that cover her ears, as well as a less common variation representing Windows XP Media Center Edition. The outfits worn by the two main variants are based on the loading lines at the Windows splash screen during startup.

it's great to see this has carried on, I'd love to read the translated version. it would be even cooler if this became an Anime I won't lie, I'd watch it... and so would my kids, I've already got my 8 year old asking to watch Star Trek TNG and in love with Picard :D