New Member
Just wondering if anyone out there had any good recommendations for an Android compatible head units. Ive been looking at the Pioneer App Radio 2 for some time, but it doesnt seem to be geared towards much Android. More of an "this is for iphones! and i guess android can play too, but they need to pay more and not have as much fun" type of thing. Ive searched around a bit and havent found a whole lot out there, at least geared towards Android. The couple I have found are off-sounding brands, and theyre all either froyo or gingerbread. I have a Pioneer AVIC-Z2 right now, and enjoy it quite a bit, but being a tech-geek, I'm always looking for something new! I was pretty much sold on the App Radio 2, but the extra $100 for the Android cable and the fact that I cant play cds or dvds directly are having me look other directions. Well, let me know of any other options or ideas that I may have overlooked, and thanks in advance!