Yes. After the update yesterday, the "Swyping" wouldn't work, but I was still able to text the "old fashioned" way. Tthen just a while ago, Now NONE of the text buttons work at all. Not even the "Swype" help button. Nothing happens.
I did read on Swype forum yesteday that someone uninstalled, then re-installed and it was fine. I havent tried yet. Doing some more research first. Good LUck!
Moto Droid 2.2!:motdroidvert:
I tried several times and was not able to uninstall and reinstall.
Swype installs but states that it is for different device. The keys work but no swyping.
For me, uninstalling both the app and the installer, then reinstalling everything worked fine, but is seems some folks are having to go a bit further with the steps outlined in the Swype forum post.
Bear in mind, this really only applies to official Beta members-if you did not get Swype through the beta, you are pretty much on your own.