Since I'm still relatively new to this phone, Droid 2, I've discovered a few glitches. If they have been solved/workarounds made let me know.
1. When my phone dies and after charging when I receive a txt but the time stamp is when it actually receives to the phone...not when it was actually sent.
2. Sometimes the texts I send are being received blank...when there shouldn't be a problem.
Also is there a way for the phone to read off texts to you. My LG Voyager had the capability and thats 2-3 year old tech. Maybe there's an app?
1. When my phone dies and after charging when I receive a txt but the time stamp is when it actually receives to the phone...not when it was actually sent.
2. Sometimes the texts I send are being received blank...when there shouldn't be a problem.
Also is there a way for the phone to read off texts to you. My LG Voyager had the capability and thats 2-3 year old tech. Maybe there's an app?