98.18.78.en.us update notices on rooted M


New Member
Oct 16, 2013
Reaction score
Charleston SC
I muddled my way thru rooting and flashing my M so I could use it on Page Plus. I used instructions posted on HOward Forums and it worked fine once I got it all straightened out. Soon after, I had the ota 98.18.78.en.us update start to download and I stopped it somehow (I think I turned off the phone) but was never sure if it downloaded either partially or fully. It definitely did not install and my phone is still rooted and I've stopped future ota updates via App Quarantine.

Now I'm getting update notices 2x a day asking me if I want to update now or later. So far I've always chosen later but it's only a matter of time before I somehow hit now and I'm not sure what will happen. I'd like to just stop the notices and get rid of the update file if it's on my phone. I've searched for it but I'm not sure if the name will be 98.18.78.en.us or something else. I'm not particularly savvy in this field but I have ES File Explorer and Clean Master installed on the phone if that would help. I basically want to know how to check for sure if I have the update file on the phone (I can delete it if I do) and how to stop the notices.
