4G LTE Speed Tests


New Member
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
Let me apologize up front...new to the group so I hope I'm posting in the right location. :)

Has anyone else had bad/sub par Speed Test results? I've sat beside my friends with the Rezound and Nexus and we've tested together they continually get better download speeds (avg. 11MB while on 4G...where I get avg 6). I've only had my Razr for about 3 weeks and I love it but things like this keep rubbing me the wrong way.

My phone is not rooted (thinking about it but need to read more before I go down that path).

Any insight on how to get peak performance out of this phone would be appreciated! Thanks
My Razr has produced subpar speed test results at various times. Especially when battery reaches 40% or below. I have done the daily reboot as many suggest but hasn't helped. I found that my case was causing coverage problems. Since I have removed defender ottobox my speeds returned to 17 down / 11 up
My Razr has produced subpar speed test results at various times. Especially when battery reaches 40% or below. I have done the daily reboot as many suggest but hasn't helped. I found that my case was causing coverage problems. Since I have removed defender ottobox my speeds returned to 17 down / 11 up
Excellent point...thanks for sharing. Not many would have identified a case as interfering with signal strength...I wouldn't.
I m sorry but I did a speed test last night just show off my phone to beat iPhone 4s I got 17mb as a download speed and 9 upload speed based in new York location. Beat iPhone 4s by huge margin. Another thing he was jail broken too.

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