4.0.3 ...where?

yeah I have no interest in trying a Rom that's not being supported or developed for any longer. With ICS still in its infancy axiom has already been left behind.

I want my nexus to improve, not be frozen in time
yeah I have no interest in trying a Rom that's not being supported or developed for any longer. With ICS still in its infancy axiom has already been left behind.

I want my nexus to improve, not be frozen in time

No harm in sticking with the best until another dev catches up,.. because then your moving backwards ;)
You can check out Roman's AKOP, it's getting close.
Codename is for people who want a shotgun approach to ROMs, yes it has everything but it's rough and without polish.
And also... Codename is a blatant Kang of many features from other ROMs, yes he does put names next to each feature but when ROMs need to pushed out before they are ready so as to avoid having Codename have the features before the ROM that created it has it there is a problem. Sure, Codename is nice and all but from an ethical or moral point of view I can't use it - not to mention I have found both AOKP and RootzBoat to be far superior.

In my opinion AOKP is flawless if you want a ton of features and a smooth phone, but it will require some setting up to do it also is a huge battery hog but for a power user AOKP is the only real option. For me, I prefer RootzBoat.

RootzBoat is about smoothness, yes, it does have some very nice features and has fantastic battery life but for me the nicest features is simply how nice it feels. Opening the app drawer has NO LAG at all, scrolling from homescreens seems snappier and one the developers working on Rootzboat lead the charge in terms of fixing the rotation speed fix charge. In summation, I like RootzBoats for its stability, they never release a ROM that is half baked and while it may take a while to get an update, they are always bugless and feel like a finished product.
I actually have axiom on my pc and was ready to flash until he announced his departure.

I have codename Rom running right now with lean kernel 1.6.0 and so far so good..

thanks for the Rom suggestion, I will look into AKOP

No harm in sticking with the best until another dev catches up,.. because then your moving backwards ;)
You can check out Roman's AKOP, it's getting close.
Codename is for people who want a shotgun approach to ROMs, yes it has everything but it's rough and without polish.
so AOKP is a battery drainer for you?

And also... Codename is a blatant Kang of many features from other ROMs, yes he does put names next to each feature but when ROMs need to pushed out before they are ready so as to avoid having Codename have the features before the ROM that created it has it there is a problem. Sure, Codename is nice and all but from an ethical or moral point of view I can't use it - not to mention I have found both AOKP and RootzBoat to be far superior.

In my opinion AOKP is flawless if you want a ton of features and a smooth phone, but it will require some setting up to do it also is a huge battery hog but for a power user AOKP is the only real option. For me, I prefer RootzBoat.

RootzBoat is about smoothness, yes, it does have some very nice features and has fantastic battery life but for me the nicest features is simply how nice it feels. Opening the app drawer has NO LAG at all, scrolling from homescreens seems snappier and one the developers working on Rootzboat lead the charge in terms of fixing the rotation speed fix charge. In summation, I like RootzBoats for its stability, they never release a ROM that is half baked and while it may take a while to get an update, they are always bugless and feel like a finished product.
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so AOKP is a battery drainer for you?

Well sort of. With power saver enabled then the battery is almost perfect but you lose some functionality e.g. it takes a few seconds after you power on your device (from deep sleep, not off) for you to get data again but if you enable power saving it is about equal. For me, the biggest power stealer is the screen which was always made up for by the fact that I have always used conservative governor + hotplug. By default, AOKP does not support that.

So, with Franco Kernal and his updater app and with some time spent in configuration making power saving work flawlessly AND ALSO going into the system files a bit to adjust auto brightness then I would say it is the same.

Here is how I see it: AOKP 17b is a beta. Technically it is not but treat it as one. RootzBoat is a finished product, sure the updates are few and far between but when they come expect something very final and honed to a blade.

I use RootzBoat as my daily driver because the battery life is unmatched and the performance is smoothest on my phone. I keep a backup of rootzboat at all time. AOKP is my play ROM, I waste hours recoding stuff that in the end always manages to crash system ui. Thats not to say AOKP cannot be used as a daily driver but I just don't think it is as smooth as Rootzboat.

BUT (READ THIS!!!!!): If you are using Codename PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TRY AOKP. It is WAY BETTER. Imagine Codename but with code actually made by the person producing it. The problem with Codename is it is a conglomerate of many different features developed by different developers that aren't meant to be used together. Roman's ROM is meant to be used together which makes it run so much better. Also, if you like pull down toggles AOKP takes it to another level, wifi access point toggles, flashlight, LTE, etc... and it actually looks nice.

So if you use Codename PLEASE TRY AOKP, you won't be disappointed.
3 things:

- axiom IS the best rom out there right now so there is no backpedalling. Other roms have some catching up to do.

- not installing a rom that has been widely acclaimed by users across several forums, merely due to lack of development, is kind of .. well, stupid.

- most important: who cares about who's features are who's? This is an open source modding community. That bull**** attitude is exactly why Droid Theory and Liquid stepped out in the first place. Don't bring that bull**** here, this isn't rootzwiki.
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3 things:

- axiom IS the best rom out there right now so there is no backpedalling. Other roms have some catching up to do.

- not installing a rom that has been widely acclaimed by users across sever forums, due to lack of development, is kind of .. well stupid.

- most important: who cares about who's features are who's? This is an open source modding community. That bull**** attitude is exactly why Droid Theory and Liquid stepped out in the first place. Don't bring that bull**** here, this isn't rootzwiki.

hear hear!

Sent from my GalaxyNexus using DroidForums
I wish I could agree with that point, and to a certain extent I do, but the fact that people are making money, even if it isn't much bothers me and the fact that sometimes these developers who spent not hours, but weeks, writing a code just to have someone cook up some ROM with their code and get all the recognition also bothers me. Sure, Android is AOSP but it simply is wrong to steal code without asking - I am sure that had Codename asked Roman the answer would have been, "sure," but the way he stole code from his github and tried to release before the original coder released makes me sad.

Not to mention that under the GNU General Public License its illegal from what I can understand from Wikipedia.

Now as far as Axiom vs. the other ROMs, can you explain to me what makes it so great? I am not being tongue-in-cheek or anything I truly want to know what so many people love about it. I tried an early stage of Zygot and found it laggy but I am aware that Axiom is a whole different beast. So, mind explaining?


(Also, as far as not bringing RootzWiki here, you did just say the Axiom was definitively the best ROM...)
I was on Axiom when all that nonsense went down and it is really sad. Sad for a couple reasons... I really liked the rom and it was getting better and better. The last version was the best to date. I didn't even have a desire to try other roms since it was working so well.

Also sad because the way he left makes me think he was a little baby. It isn't the first time he acted like a baby and took his cards elsewhere either. He says he is 30 some years old yet every time he gets his feelings hurt he cries and takes his toys home.

To be on these boards you have to have skin that is a bit thicker than rice paper. I can't even count how many times I've been called names or attacked on various boards. You just have to realize that some people like to pretend they have big internet muscles. You have to ignore it and move on... but he is not the type of guy that can do this.

Yes I love his rom and wish he would continue but this is the kind of guy that the neighbor kids used to send home cause he was whining so much. Now that he has toys we all want from him he has the power to take them home and not share... lol

Sorry, I know we want him to come back and all but he will never be able to make it long if he isn't able to toughen up a bit and maybe borrow someones sack.

The moment I read that he had left again I immediately installed a different rom and moved on for good. I would look forward to his rom if he came back but I'd like to see him apologize and say he would try and not be such a sissy in the future. But honestly I don't think he has the courage to come back.

Sorry this is just my opinion.

P.S. If anyone flames me for this opinion I will get upset and never return.
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I was on Axiom when all that nonsense went down and it is really sad. Sad for a couple reasons... I really liked the rom and it was getting better and better. The last version was the best to date. I didn't even have a desire to try other roms since it was working so well.

Also sad because the way he left makes me think he was a little baby. It isn't the first time he acted like a baby and took his cards elsewhere either. He says he is 30 some years old yet every time he gets his feelings hurt he cries and takes his toys home.

To be on these boards you have to have skin that is a bit thicker than rice paper. I can't even count how many times I've been called names or attacked on various boards. You just have to realize that some people like to pretend they have big internet muscles. You have to ignore it and move on... but he is not the type of guy that can do this.

Yes I love his rom and wish he would continue but this is the kind of guy that the neighbor kids used to send home cause he was whining so much. Now that he has toys we all want from him he has the power to take them home and not share... lol

Sorry, I know we want him to come back and all but he will never be able to make it long if he isn't able to toughen up a bit and maybe borrow someones sack.

The moment I read that he had left again I immediately installed a different rom and moved on for good. I would look forward to his rom if he came back but I'd like to see him apologize and say he would try and not be such a sissy in the future. But honestly I don't think he has the courage to come back.

Sorry this is just my opinion.

P.S. If anyone flames me for this opinion I will get upset and never return.

you mad bro?
I wish I could agree with that point, and to a certain extent I do, but the fact that people are making money, even if it isn't much bothers me and the fact that sometimes these developers who spent not hours, but weeks, writing a code just to have someone cook up some ROM with their code and get all the recognition also bothers me. Sure, Android is AOSP but it simply is wrong to steal code without asking - I am sure that had Codename asked Roman the answer would have been, "sure," but the way he stole code from his github and tried to release before the original coder released makes me sad.

Not to mention that under the GNU General Public License its illegal from what I can understand from Wikipedia.

Now as far as Axiom vs. the other ROMs, can you explain to me what makes it so great? I am not being tongue-in-cheek or anything I truly want to know what so many people love about it. I tried an early stage of Zygot and found it laggy but I am aware that Axiom is a whole different beast. So, mind explaining?


(Also, as far as not bringing RootzWiki here, you did just say the Axiom was definitively the best ROM...)

I understand your logic, but as a coder, if you want the limelight, make a rom. That's what guys like jrummy have done, amongst other things, and he is one of the biggest, if not the biggest name in android roms to date. Stealing a code before the original author can release it is one thing, but most of the time this simply isn't the case. Especially true to developers like DT who played fair and got **** on anyway. I feel its become a trend within the android community to piss and moan about someone stealing someone else's work. If you want to be like that, then phone congress and tell them you support SOPA and PIPA....

As for the rom itself, after flashing a few others I find axiom to be the smoothest, and most bug free rom available. ARHD was minimally different, and others were just too unstable. Rootzboat has far to many bugs for me to deal with, and miui.. well I dont even know why people flash miui unless they just want a broken phone. The only rom which comes close is CND but I prefer axiom as I notice slight lag with CND, and less then stellar battery performance.