3rd Generation DroidForums


Dec 13, 2009
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Seems like 1rst Generation was getting in on or close to the ground floor a few months ago, learning about exciting new apps and about the Droid. 2nd Gen excitement started with the success of DroidMod and other mod packages, which brough rooting from the techies to the Droid public, and then expanded into elaborate mod refinements.

Now it appears that we are entering 3rd gen, where the older generations know how to use their Droids, and many have rooted their phones; but meanwhile, thousands of new users are trying to figure out the basics, not knowing where to turn and asking many of the same questions that were answered in long threads months ago.

Aside from the possible minor benefits of 2.1, where will the new excitement be for 1rst and 2nd Gen Droiders, aside from mentoring newbies through the process? Will it be as good as it was initially, or is the honeymoon over?
i would say it will soon be the case that everybody knows how to use them, and we will all be at the bar drinking flat beer, rejoicing in our own superority and wisdom that led us to buy a "bare knuckle bucked of does"
Small improvements, if you are into those. LW which is candy.

I'm looking forward to speech to text capability.

We'll always be mentoring the next gen that comes up, has nothing to do with what it is or where we are. :)

Nicer apps, games, possible flash, will improve the user experience, or ruin it hehehe.
This forum will probably continue to grow and help each other out at least until android is no more.
I've had my Droid since launch date back in November. And I'm STILL learning new things and trying out new stuff. In my opinion, the possibility are endless with a technology like this. As long as developers keep developing, I don't think we'll have a shortage of things to do or learn with our Droids.

It is amazing the depth at which one's understanding of both hardware and software can grow.

  • Learn to apply theme.
  • Put together your own theme from various subparts.
  • Assemble graphic pieces into the subparts that make up a theme and then apply the theme
  • Learn photoshop/gimp/etc to create your own graphic pieces to add to the subparts that make up a theme so you can apply the theme.
The same is true of the rom's themselves. The phones run on Linux. There are tons of apps that run on Linux. There is room for a lot of growth for those who like to tweak things on various levels.

While the forums appear to primarily cover the Droid phone there are other phones people use here. This is a wise move as we can stay on these very same forums and take our knowledge from one Android phone and apply it to the next we own.

It is true though, there are only so many times you can change the look of your keyboard before you tire of doing so. But as long as new apps and features come out we'll keep on playing and learning. Someone will fine tune the fm transmitter built into the motorola Droid. Someone else will perfect and release usb drivers so we can plug keyboards into our phones, or usb drives, or web cams, or usb missle launchers from ThinkGeek.com or who knows what.
There will always be something new to learn or tweak seeing that Android is FOSS. I am looking forward to the day when we can hook up a BT keyboard and mouse and pipe the video out over USB. Now that there will be HOT. Not to mention newer revisions of the OS making it faster and more feature rich. Last but not least with the current success of the Droid, the Droid 2. You know Motorola is already sketching it up and getting it ready for the 4G invasion.
It is amazing the depth at which one's understanding of both hardware and software can grow.

  • Learn to apply theme.
  • Put together your own theme from various subparts.
  • Assemble graphic pieces into the subparts that make up a theme and then apply the theme
  • Learn photoshop/gimp/etc to create your own graphic pieces to add to the subparts that make up a theme so you can apply the theme.
Too true, I remember when first applying themes/mods and telling myself "ok, NOW it's complete..." then I'd go to bed. Shortly after I pulled my first .apk and it was like opening pandoras box. I think until most droid users start jumping to the next device we will see a plethora of new mods and themes rather than the modified few that made the rounds over the past few months.

So would you say there will be a plethora of new mods for the droid...?

Si, El Guapo
i would say it will soon be the case that everybody knows how to use them, and we will all be at the bar drinking flat beer, rejoicing in our own superority and wisdom that led us to buy a "bare knuckle bucked of does"

The first time I saw that "Bare Knuckled Bucket of Does" I read it as plural of doe... and was picturing a bucket of female deer. I got really confused.:icon_eek: