2 questions about sedio products


Dec 6, 2009
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Hi all,

My hands are prone to moisture in hot weather, which makes using the touch screen somewhat more diffcult (too much resistance). Would buying a sedio screen cover help with this issue?

I've read on this forum that the seidio innocase makes it harder to type on hardware keyboad, but you get used to it. What exactly do they mean by this? I've seen multiple posters say the same thing.

When you slide up the screen and type on the keyboard the case gives no room between the screen and the top row of keys. If you have big fingers this could be a little annoying. Look at the pics and you will know what i am talking about.
As far as the touch screen problem i have heard that the sticking problem might be fixed by the Steinheil Anti-Fingerprint for Motorola DroidSome have said this can cut down on the sticky feeling. Check it out and see what you think.
I see. Thank you for your answer. If anyone else has anything to add about question #2, that would be great!
It does make it a tad bit harder to type, but as you stated, you get used to it really fast. I <3 my Case, and I can't wait to get the multi-media dock and car dock (when available). I have not yet used their screen protectors, so I don't have any input for you on that subject. :-(
In my case, average sized hands, it actually helps me to type faster. I can shove my thumbs against the case and get a nice solid push on the top row of keys, much quicker. It was a little awkward the first day, but did not take long at all to get accustomed to.
In my case, average sized hands, it actually helps me to type faster. I can shove my thumbs against the case and get a nice solid push on the top row of keys, much quicker. It was a little awkward the first day, but did not take long at all to get accustomed to.

That sounds good to me. Good to know
In my case, average sized hands, it actually helps me to type faster. I can shove my thumbs against the case and get a nice solid push on the top row of keys, much quicker. It was a little awkward the first day, but did not take long at all to get accustomed to.

That ^

You just have to angle your fingers a little differently than without a case. Once I got use to it, I could actually type faster on the top row.
After having my case off for a few days due to a replacement phone coming in, I can confirm I definitely prefer having the case on while typing on the keyboard. With the case off, it was much more difficult for me to find the sweet spot on any of the top keys. YMMV
After having my case off for a few days due to a replacement phone coming in, I can confirm I definitely prefer having the case on while typing on the keyboard. With the case off, it was much more difficult for me to find the sweet spot on any of the top keys. YMMV

Would you mind describing how you are typing? i.e. how you are angling your thumbs and general positioning? I've had the seidio case for about 5 days now, and how typing is much slower than before, without any improvements or "getting used to it" as I type.
At first I thought this a very difficult question to answer...
But after a few tests I realized I type the same way case off or case on.
Hit the 'K' key with your right thumb as usual..Now hit the 'i' key the same exact way..That will be awkward, but...
Instead of going at the 'i' key or any of the top keys like that method, aim for the top of key (only on top rows). Once you get that going with muscle memory it'll become more fluid.

Honestly I'm not making excuses for a design flaw, I truly find it to be an unexpected benefit.