google i/o

  1. DroidModderX

    Google Lens Announced At Google I/O 2017

    An all new feature is coming to Android O called Google Lens. The new tech was announced yesterday at Google's annual developer conference Google I/O. Google lens allows your camera to do some pretty awesome things. When you point your camera at things it will tell you exactly what it is. If you...
  2. DroidModderX

    Lockheimer Post Oreo Cake To Twitter Hinting At Android 8.0 Name?

    It is about that time to start the yearly debate what will the next version of Android be named. Google loves to toy with us when it comes to this because they know just how passionate the Android fan base can be about version names. Android 8.0 should be unveiled at Google I/O during mid May...
  3. DroidModderX

    Win A Trip To Google I/O 2016 Or A Free Nexus 6P

    Google I/O is one of the most popular technology events on earth. Every year Google opens up ticket sales and every year the site crashes with the ridiculous amounts of traffic. It has always been quite an experience acquiring tickets on a first come first serve basis. This year Google...