
  1. DroidModderX

    No Foldable Display Galaxy X Coming From Samsung Until 2019

    We were hoping that Samsung would be bringing their foldable display technology to IFA later this year to show it off. It looks like the tech won't be ready for market until at least 2019. Samsung's display principal engineer Kim Tae-woong has confirmed that the Foldable display tech isn't ready...
  2. DroidModderX

    Samsung Is Finalizing Development Of Their Foldable Smartphones

    Samsung has been working hard on their flexible bendable displays for the past several years. In fact they started teasing what a bendable foldable display might be capable of. It would allow for us to carry around a tablet which we could fold in half and use as a phone. Samsung is finally...
  3. DroidModderX

    Samsung Patents A New Age "FlipPhone" With Projector!

    I have not wanted to get my hands on flip phone since the Motorola Krzr back in 2006. I can remember being so genuinely excited to finally have a phone with a built in mp3 player and web browser! These days I would scoff at such a device. Samsung has been hinting at a foldable phone for a...