developer preview 3

  1. DroidModderX

    Seamless Updates Make Their Way To Android N!

    There were some handy new features added to Android N even though its not a huge update. Another great feature in the latest version of Android N is the inclusion of "Seamless updates". Not only will Android N download updates in the background it will also install those updates in the...
  2. DroidModderX

    SuperSU v2.74 Arrives With N Preview 3 Support!

    Android N Developer Preview 3 can now be rooted! Chainfire has just released his update to SuperSu. This brings SuperSu to version 2.74 Beta. The new build includes support for the N Preview 3, but also the new build of SuperSu includes a fix for Samsung Security Policy updates. A few days ago...
  3. DroidModderX

    Download Google Keyboard 5.1

    It looks like the new Google keyboard from Android N Developer Preview 3 can actually be downloaded and installed to your device without actually having to install the Dev Preview! Not only do we get Emoji color options the new keyboard also apparently includes some new themes! Not only do you...
  4. DroidModderX

    Download 4 NEW Android N Developer Preview 3 Wallpapers Now!

    With the release of the first two Android N Developer Preview Builds we got one measly new wallpaper. Today the release of Android N Developer Preview Build 3 brought us 4 new wallpapers! These wallpapers are very reminiscent of the walls that came with Android Lollipop on the Nexus 6. We have 3...
  5. DroidModderX

    Change Emoji Colors With New Android N Google Keyboard!

    Today the 3rd Developer preview of Android N was released to the masses at Google I/O. We have tons of changes to Android in this new build. One of the coolest changes has to be the ability to change the color of your emoji. People are diverse shouldn't emoji be diverse as well?! Colors...