
  1. DroidModderX

    6 Year Old Uses Mom's Fingerprint To Order $250 Worth Of Pokemon Gear!

    Kids are getting pretty crafty these days. Gone are the days of slipping a few quarters out of the mom's change jug. Now kids just break into their parents phones and order whatever they like. An Arkansas mother "Bethany Howell" woke up to find 13 notifications of purchases on her cell phone...
  2. DroidModderX

    Breaking News Yahoo Hacked! 500 Million Account Passwords Stolen!

    You should go change your Yahoo account passwords right now! Yahoo has confirmed that at least 500 million user accounts that were stolen in 2014 have just been leaked to the internet. They are recommending that Yahoo account holders change their passwords right now. According to Yahoo the...
  3. DroidModderX

    Samsung Pay Hacked! Allows Your Credit Card To Be Skimmed

    I can't say that I didn't see this coming. Once again we have a lab created hack performed by a security researcher. This time the vulnerability has been found in the security of Samsung Pay. The hack that was discovered is actually quite alarming though since it would enable the hacker to...
  4. DroidModderX

    HTC Allegedly Releasing Pirated Themes To Their Theme Store

    One of the biggest reasons to to root your Android device in the beginning was to add the ability to install custom themes to your device. This practice became so popular that top OEMs like Samsung and HTC decided to build the feature into their Android overlays natively. This not only allows...