Turbo +Marshmallow

Thank you. It bothered me also :)

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I let it slide when the thread was created, because I tend to be "that guy" too often and I've fought it every time it popped back onto my recent feed, but I couldn't take it anymore this morning.

No offense to the OP.
Never take offense in getting something right. Wouldn't you correct if someone gave wrong advice on how to fix a phone?
I don't understand why those that can't spell and use horrible grammar can't take being corrected. Isn't it the same thing? Just getting things correct?

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Never take offense in getting something right. Wouldn't you correct if someone gave wrong advice on how to fix a phone?
I don't understand why those that can't spell and use horrible grammar can't take being corrected. Isn't it the same thing? Just getting things correct?

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Not to take this thread further off-topic, but I've got the perfect example. I was having a bad day a while back and my cousin posted something with terrible grammar and bad spelling on Facebook. I corrected it in the comments. He sends me a PM there saying thanks for the help, but please send him a message next time. I let him know I was in a crappy mood and didn't really care either way. He came back with something else and accused me of making him look like an idiot. I informed him that he did that all on his own with the original post.

I'm not perfect, by any means, but I can't believe what passes for English by some people.
Hopefully it won't *#*! the phone up like lollipop did recently to my MotoX.

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I know a lot of people were not happy with Lollipop on the Moto X (2013), the Moto forum was all a buzz before the upgrade arrived and now it's quiet and dark, lots of disappointed poeple. Here is something I have noticed: the second major OS upgrade sometimes kills off a phone. My Bionic was great on the original version, and then OK on the first upgrade...then it was terrible on the second upgrade. My RAZR M (all 4 of them) were great on the original version...just OK on the first OS upgrade and then horrible on KK. Maybe the battery is just too old and worn out by the time the second OS upgrade happens? Anyone else notice the same thing in recent years?
I know a lot of people were not happy with Lollipop on the Moto X (2013), the Moto forum was all a buzz before the upgrade arrived and now it's quiet and dark, lots of disappointed poeple. Here is something I have noticed: the second major OS upgrade sometimes kills off a phone. My Bionic was great on the original version, and then OK on the first upgrade...then it was terrible on the second upgrade. My RAZR M (all 4 of them) were great on the original version...just OK on the first OS upgrade and then horrible on KK. Maybe the battery is just too old and worn out by the time the second OS upgrade happens? Anyone else notice the same thing in recent years?
Amen! My Nexus 7 2012 has suffered a similar fate. Ran fine on Jellybean, was OK on KitKat. Now, it's on its last legs with Lollipop. I'm not sure whether I'm glad or not that it's not supposed to get Marshmallow.

Some times it runs just fine, others there's terrible lag. An FDR didn't do much if anything for it. I can still do my nightly reading of ebooks on it, which is just about all I've used it for for several years, but I won't be surprised when it fails to even allow me to do that.
Amen! My Nexus 7 2012 has suffered a similar fate. Ran fine on Jellybean, was OK on KitKat. Now, it's on its last legs with Lollipop. I'm not sure whether I'm glad or not that it's not supposed to get Marshmallow.

Some times it runs just fine, others there's terrible lag. An FDR didn't do much if anything for it. I can still do my nightly reading of ebooks on it, which is just about all I've used it for for several years, but I won't be surprised when it fails to even allow me to do that.

Since it seems to be a common theme in recent years, why do people scream and yell and fuss about OS upgrades so much? if it's just going to kill your phone, why not just leave the OS alone and be happy the phone still works correctly. I could care less about 6.0 on my Turbo....it works fine on Lollipop and don't want it to start dying off just because of a new Android OS that does not have many improvements.
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With the MotoX the phone worked essentially OK on lollipop. Except for optimizing apps nearly every time you turned the phone off and back on. Mine suffered having the phone contact list showing emails instead of phone numbers. No tech could fix it. So they offered an early upgrade to... a phone near its end of life... the Turbo.

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Since it seems to be a common theme in recent years, why do people scream and yell and fuss about OS upgrades so much? if it's just going to kill your phone, why not just leave the OS alone and be happy the phone still works correctly. I could care less about 6.0 on my Turbo....it works fine on Lollipop and don't want it to start dying off just because of a new Android OS that does not have many improvements.
I'd like to give you a good answer, but I've got the sickness myself.

Idk. I'm not sure if I like to be on the bleeding edge, or what, but I love me some updates. Maybe it's the joy of constant evolving and watching things progress. I've been around android since the G1. I'm an OG and I remember exactly where we came from, so I get excited to jump to the next version of where we're going.

I flashed Lollipop on my N7 manually. Decided not to wait for the OTA.

I do similar with apps. I have them set to auto-update over wifi, but more often than not, I go in and check, see updates available, check changelogs where I actually care to see what's changed, and update all.
With the MotoX the phone worked essentially OK on lollipop. Except for optimizing apps nearly every time you turned the phone off and back on. Mine suffered having the phone contact list showing emails instead of phone numbers. No tech could fix it. So they offered an early upgrade to... a phone near its end of life... the Turbo.

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I would not say its near end of life.....its still an awesome phone....still relevant IMHO.

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I mean end of sales life. Turbo 2 is coming out. In their terminology that is end of life.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
I know a lot of people were not happy with Lollipop on the Moto X (2013), the Moto forum was all a buzz before the upgrade arrived and now it's quiet and dark, lots of disappointed poeple. Here is something I have noticed: the second major OS upgrade sometimes kills off a phone. My Bionic was great on the original version, and then OK on the first upgrade...then it was terrible on the second upgrade. My RAZR M (all 4 of them) were great on the original version...just OK on the first OS upgrade and then horrible on KK. Maybe the battery is just too old and worn out by the time the second OS upgrade happens? Anyone else notice the same thing in recent years?

I had a RazrM too, great "little" phone. I could go two days on a charge. Got it with ICS, went to JB and KK, all went well till the very last KK update, to 4.4.2. Not battery life issues, as by then the phone was already two years old and starting to visibly have shorter time per charge.

It was more annoying problems, like the screen freezing at random at a 45 degree angle in the middle of a screen rotation.... Only remedy was a complete reboot with the two button "virtual" battery pull.

Another annoyance was the home screen icons popping up slowly one by one on the wallpaper after I closed the browser. It must have been a RAM issue, as it was worse if I had browsed for a long time, opening multiple tabs or visiting website with lots of pictures.

Too bad, because other than that I sailed smoothly through all of the OS updates.

Crossing fingers, so far so good with the Turbo. It got L just few days after I purchased it, so I didn't have it for long enough with KK to say if going to L had significant drawbacks.

One thing that was annoying at the beginning was all of the system screens background going from black to white.... Now I got used to it.
Since it seems to be a common theme in recent years, why do people scream and yell and fuss about OS upgrades so much? if it's just going to kill your phone, why not just leave the OS alone and be happy the phone still works correctly. I could care less about 6.0 on my Turbo....it works fine on Lollipop and don't want it to start dying off just because of a new Android OS that does not have many improvements.
I absolutely agree. OS updates simply aren't what they used to be. I'd much rather have a stable device running an earlier OS version than jump on the "must have" bandwagon and be plagued with poor battery life and bugs.
Simply put....
Ain't Nobody Got Time For That SHORT VERSION:

S5 tap'n
It's the latest and greatest society. We need instant gratification and downloading the new OS gives that to some people. I on the other hand buy devices that the manufacturer stops supporting after release cough droid maxx cough.
*heavy breathing ...don't...mock....fast....updates..lmao