Tomb Raider For Andorid Now Available For $.10


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Oct 6, 2011
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If you need a bit of nostalgia in your life look no further Tomb Raider is back and now on Android! Square Enix has ported the game from the playstation to your Android device! The game is currently on sale for only $.99 on the Play Store however you can grab it for even cheaper on! The game is only $.10 there. If you need to be transported back to your childhood for a moment grab this game on the cheap from the link below. $.10

Play Store $.99
I've never heard of How does it work, do you get a special link to Google Play to download, or do you download the APK directly after putting in your credit card?

Sorry, I'm just really cautious about installing from untrusted sources and even more cautious about who has access to my credit card info.
Same here as well. It's still under a buck from the Play Store. Well worth it to me.

Trying to decide if I'll actually play this on my phone or tablet though. I didn't really get into TR until later on, on the Xbox 360, I think. Only nostalgia I have with these older ones is going to my buddy's house and watching him play for hours. He wouldn't let anyone else play. Not sure if trying to play it now would bring back bad memories or a sense of victory.
I clicked the buy now link on and it took me to the play store where the price was .99 cents not .10 cents anyway. Work a buck anyway.