Switching from Moto Droid1 to Incredible



Okay, I'm switching from a Moto Droid 1 to an HTC Incrdible. I have done a Sprite back up on my sd card. Then it dawned on me that I am also backing up the Droid system settings. So if I switch my sd card to Dinc and do the restore it might mess up the Dinc. Is this true or do you think it is okay? If not what do I do to get around this?
Thanks for your help.
Off topic, but why are you getting an Incredible when there is the X and Fascinate as well? You aren't gaining much going from a D1 to an Incredible except Sense, and a 1ghz processor.

Whereas, with the X and Fascinate you gain the 1 ghz processor, larger screen, and better reception and battery life than the Incredible.
Why I switched from Moto Droid to HTC Incredible

I have a post her about the troubles and how many times I had to get a CLNR from Verizon for my Droid 1. Never the less, I only had a choice of my 7th CLNR Droid 1 and I didn't want that. They offered me an LG Ally which I told them was not compatible but a downgrade. The Verizon tech argued with me that it was identicle. Then they wanted me to pay for an upgrade, which I shouldn't have to do. I didn't want an upgrade just a phone that works. I'm waiting for next year to upgrade my phone. So I got them to agree to switch me out to an Incredible.
You were so right and that was my point to Verizon. I wasn't trying to upgrade and get an D2, Droid X or a Sammy Fascinate but an equivilent phone. That is why they finally agreed to switch me.
That is why no upgraded phone but an equivelent.
Thanks for your help.
I have got the chance to play with all D2, DX, and Dinc for about 2 days a piece...and honestly the Dinc is the fastest smoothest phone out right now IMHO.
Damn... yet another x fan boy.. dude the d1 doesn't even come close to the incredible.. do your research 1 st before posting bs like that.. all the new phones are really good.. mostly a personal preference..
Off topic, but why are you getting an Incredible when there is the X and Fascinate as well? You aren't gaining much going from a D1 to an Incredible except Sense, and a 1ghz processor.

Whereas, with the X and Fascinate you gain the 1 ghz processor, larger screen, and better reception and battery life than the Incredible.