Steve Jobs flops!


I found this pretty damn funny and thought I'd share it with you guys...

Steve Jobs to crowd: 'We're having a little problem here' - Yahoo! News

Apple's chief exec and irreplaceable master of ceremonies has few if any equals when it comes to wowing audiences during product demos, but even Steve Jobs's famous reality-distortion field couldn't protect him from an embarrassing Wi-Fi snafu during the big WWDC keynote Monday.
About 20 or 30 minutes into the big iPhone reveal, the Wi-Fi network that Jobs was using to show off Web browsing on the iPhone 4's revamped screen conked out, leaving Apple's normally poised, ultra-confident CEO a bit red-faced as the audience stared at a giant blank Web page.

"Our networks in here are always unpredictable. They are slow today," said Jobs, as he waited, and waited, and waited. No dice.

Then Jobs asked the audience for a little assistance. "You know, you could help me out if you're on Wi-Fi, if you could just get off. … I'd appreciate it." Naturally, the members of the audience — probably half of whom were furiously live-blogging away — roared with laughter, and the guffaws only grew louder when an error message popped up reading "could not activate cellular network." AT&T, anyone?

"Yep, I know that," Jobs replied testily, as the wireless problems dragged on for another minute.

"Well, geez, I don't like this. I'm afraid I have a problem and I won't be able to show you much here today," groaned Jobs, who finally resorted to showing off high-resolution photos from the iPhone 4's photo roll, to some appreciative applause.

Then Steve tried the Web again — and still, no luck. "Well, I'm sorry, guys, I don't know what's going on," he said, looking around for help. ""Uh ... Scott, got any suggestions?"
Of course, some snarky goofball in the audience just couldn't resist. " Verizon!" the guy shouted, and the audience roared again.

Jobs smiled. "We're actually on Wi-Fi here, so ... "

Anyway, within another minute or so, the Wi-Fi was back, and Jobs moved on, albeit with the occasional plea to members of the press to please, please turn your Wi-Fi off. (The collective answer: Yeah, right.)
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Someone shoulda pulled out there Droid and said link to my wireless network..

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk


Active Member
are they all on the same router? I don't understand why this was a problem. put a password on the router you are going to use for the demo and then you wont have a problem..?


what i find funny is he is trying to use the wifi and not how the "4g" was going to improve on the fledging safari web browser and the fact that att cant support these kind of devices. and what he should have a key note on is the fact jobs like to dangle a carrot over these apparently mindless zombies we call fanboys to the fact it took 4 attempts just to get a fricken camera on the devices or the fact that their ipad being all advanced in all doesnt even fill a basic need of a camera which even my lil $500 netbook fricken has!!!! oh steve jobs where would we be with out you............ DROID!


Silver Member
I was totally impressed on how he could run Pandora without even leaving the screen! And the controls were right at the bottom! Wow! Who woulda thought that was possible..


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Someone shoulda pulled out there Droid and said link to my wireless network..

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk


He fumbled the ball on his own 5 yrd line, that will be the talk that over shadow the blue cube during the ipad speech.