SPB Mobile Shell 5.0 Now Hiring Beta Testers... No Pay

I signed up.

This was the only reason I kept my Samsung Omnia for so long, as this UI was freaking awesome on it (verses the stock garbage from MS).
Is it just me or he is using the possibly labeled droid incredible HD in that video????
I signed up to test on my Droid 1 and my GTablet. It looks like a very interesting product.

-:Sent from my ViewSonic GTablet (VEGAn) using Tapatalk Pro:-
That's cool! Seems like a very intuitive UI. My only thoughts are how does it run on a device loaded with apps? The device they used in the video probably didn't have many or any user downloaded apps plus I think the cpu on that device is faster than some other phones.
That's cool! Seems like a very intuitive UI. My only thoughts are how does it run on a device loaded with apps? The device they used in the video probably didn't have many or any user downloaded apps plus I think the cpu on that device is faster than some other phones.

You could be right, but SPB has a lot of experience in optimizing the shell on Windows Mobile. I used it on a number of different WinMo devices, and they always performed better with it than whatever came with the phone.

Thanks for posting this. Just signed up, hopefully I get lucky
That looks pretty dang cool. I've used some of their products on windows mobile. I'll be interested to see how this performs.
That is slick.. Google should buy them or at least that UI and make that stock Android lol..
you guys that are doubting do realize that the SPB team is a major player in the interface market and has done it before on worse hardware right? according to their claims, battery life will not suffer...who knows, using GPU to assist CPU might be a good thing...
I didn't watch the Video - but signed up anyways...I will check the clip later :wink:
HA, as others have said, SPB was the only thing that made the old Windows Mobile phones usable. My Omnia was terrible until I found out about SPB.

Signed up, but not sure how much help it will be for Android.