silencing some notifications ??


Aug 12, 2010
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I am making baby steps with my new Droid 2.

I have always , with any phone, been able to silence my notifications. ( texts, emails etc..) and still have the phone ring. I do not like being woken up by notifications in the middle of the nite, but need the phone for emergencies. ( unfortunately have had to many of those 3am calls )

I went into settings, notification ringtone, and there is no option for "none" or silent..I really need the phone ringer on, and everything else silenced... hmm I'm stumped..
thanks in advance.
I have a the Droid so my advice may not be correct.

Open each app (text, email, etc) that sends a notification. Tap the settings and notifications for that particular app. Hopefully, there will be a selection and silent will be one.

let us know if this works.

Holy Cow that is it !! so simple and common sense, and I didn't even think of that. Thank you so very much.. yay :)
Glad it worked for you and welcome to the forum.

Loving it

I just got my first droid ever today and joined the forum. This was the question I had and you guys answered it right off the bat! Thanks so much you are awsome!
Is it possible to silence startup and shutdown sounds?

Is there any way to selectively mute or disable the startup and shutdown sounds? This is a basic feature of all phones, and I can't believe it is so difficult to accomplish on the Droid 2.

I have already turned off "SD card notifications" which helps a bit, but there phone still makes noise whenever it is turned on or off.

Any other ideas?
Depending on the app these steps may not be exact

open the email app, tap menu, tap settings, look for notifications.

In K9 (email app) I tap menu , more, settings, account settings, and under Notifications tap New mail ringtone.
In the corporate email app I tap menu, account settings, tap select ringtone

Hope this helps.

OK, here's a related issue. My sms notifactions are set to vibrate and the (missed it) ringtone, yet when I get a text message I get both plus the "Droid" voice ringtone. I can't seem to find where that notification is attached.... Any ideas?
It appears, to me, that you are not using the stock app and downloaded an app to handle SMS. If that is the case, open the stock app, tap settings and disable notifications.

Let us know if this is helpful.
You solved it! I had downloaded Ringo Lite with plans to setup custom ringtones in the future but had not even opened the program until now. I see that it has assigned the Droid notification to SMS. Thanks Mike.