Samsung Has Found The Cause Of Exploding Note 7 Devices.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Samsung found two issues with batteries used after at least three quality-control and supply-chain analysis firms investigated.

The conclusion is said to be two fold: 1) that batteries used were irregularly sized, which led to overheating; and 2) some just had manufacturing problems. The batteries used for the Note 7 included those from Samsung SDI Co, another affiliate, or Amperex Technology, according to the WSJ. Initially, Samsung thought the battery problems came from their Samsung SDI affiliate, which may have been correct. The batteries there were found to ship with an irregular size that caused overheating. However, as they killed their own battery maker and switched to Chinese battery makers after the initial recall, the ramp-up in production caused manufacturing issues that led to the second recall.

Oh good, glad that's over!

Can I get 2 Note 8's now please?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Galaxy S6. Any phone will overheat and catch on fire if you fall asleep with it while charging it on your bed. It was the owners fault.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
There was cases were a a couple Teenagers had iPhones charging under Pillows while sleeping and catch fire. Sometimes its lack of Common sense. I yell at my teenager for leaving anything charging on the Bed. I told him put it on the Desk or Floor.
I'm looking forward to S8 release and hopefully no hiccups going forward for Sammy ...

I was just about to post this!!

Samsung answers burning Note 7 questions, vows better batteries

Here is the link for the article...

Sent from my Sexy IPhone 7+

You might have a little longer wait...

Koh said the Galaxy S8 would not be unveiled at the Mobile World Congress trade show in Barcelona beginning Feb. 27, the traditional forum for Galaxy S series launches. He did not comment on when the company planned to launch the handset, though analysts expect it to start selling by April.

Samsung says batteries caused Note 7 fires, may delay new phone launch