Samsung Droid Charge Gets Inductive Battery Cover Charger and 'DroidLanding' Video


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX
[video=youtube;aQEUgMJkrcU]]YouTube - Verizon Droid Charge - ChargeLanding Teaser[/video]

It's not certain if the above teaser is actually for the Samsung Droid Charge, but the timing and content definitely point in that direction. Also, the pic below shows that the newest 4G LTE Verizon smartphone will have an Inductive Battery Cover Charger accessory available for only $30 bucks.


If this were a dual-core phone, I would be all over it, but the $299 dollar on-contract price is a bit... crazy. What do you think?

Source: PhoneArena and Droid-Life
I'm not quite sure why this phone is more expensive than the Thunderbolt. At this point, I'm more interested in sitting on my Droid 2 and waiting for teh CDMA equivalent of the HTC Sensation.
I'll just use my $12 eBay purchased Solar Battery charger, or make my own.
Considering you loose the 1 year option and this cost $300 on contract, I wouldn't look at this. If it was dual core, I might have for future proofing, but this one doesn't fly for me. A single core on a 2 year contract is defiantly a no go. It's still a good phone, but I have to think about how it'll be further down the line.
Like most things you have those early adaptor die hard techys...which I am one off, that will take the plunge on something they think is a good device. I for one don't trust/like Samsung from their year old froyo update to their cheap build quality. Haven't touched or played with the phone but I thinl once you gget it in your hand it won't feel like a 300 dollar phone. Too expensive!
FYI, Wirefly posted on FB that they are taking pre-orders at Midnight (pacific time) on this phone. So expect it to be less than the $299 price. Maybe $249, or $199 hopefully?
YouTube - Verizon Droid Charge - ChargeLanding Teaser

It's not certain if the above teaser is actually for the Samsung Droid Charge,

What do you think?

Source: PhoneArena and Droid-Life I the only one who watched the video all the way to the end where the "" url was shown?:) I would hazard a guess its a lead-in to the phone...but I guess it could also be for some type of charging device such as the one the Droid Charge uses...

As far as the phone...much ado about nothing for me. I have another year before I can upgrade, and right now, I am quite content with my DX. My DX does all I need it to, as well as being able to do more than I care to at this time...dancedroid
I don't think It is worth getting, 300 dollar contract? Samsung? One year Froyo update delay? No thanks.
I thought this was (a commercial for a catastrophe, and a promotion) for a phone that can charge anywhere...

Are there any Samsung phones that are completely customizable?

I have the Intercept, which nobody is really developing anything for, aside from Kernels so it seems, but the VM $25 monthly is good for my trial, but just wondering about custom ROMS availably for Samsungs...
I'm sorry that this might be slightly off topic...but does the guy on the still image of the video look exactly like the main antagonist of Half Life 2? so now Droid and the aliens are teaming up for pure evil!