Rooted Phone cannot recieve MMS messages


New Member
Oct 7, 2010
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I rooted my fascinate and have root explorer. I have been moving files from /system/app to a directory in my SD card. After moving a bunch of .apk I cannot recieve picture messages. The message that comes up as "downloading - size" and it never shows up. I could recieve after I started moving stuff.

Anyone know what .apk I moved that would make me not be able to recieve picture messages??

Also i moved bing and vznav .apk's and they still boot up automatically on startup. Any ideas??
I moved apks to conserve to free up some space in internal memory. I don't see a need to titanium backup for the freezing if you can get same results with moving/renaming apks?
Yes this is true but, as far as system apps I would recommend only moving the apps in the list on that thread I provided you. as far as aftermarket apps from the market go move whatever you like. I ran into this same problem when I first got my fascinate. The only difference was it was my market that no longer worked. The list I provided will not screw you when it comes to the basic operation of your phone.
That list is kinda tricky cause apks arent listed. Also if you go by that list i heard messing with mobile 3g hotspot destroys your wifi.... so id be careful recommending that