Question about Galaxy Nexus and Verizon Wireless

Aug 20, 2010
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Hey guys, so I recently won a Galaxy Nexus at a concert. I have Verizon Wireless and stupid me forgot to ask them at the time what carrier it was for. I got it in the mail today, (my mom did, I'm at work, haven't had a chance to play with it yet) and she said that there is no mention of Verizon anywhere, and the back of the phone says "Google" and "Samsung" (I know the Verizon Wireless Galaxy Nexus has a Verizon branded logo on it) so I was wondering if this is the HSPA+ model, which is incompatible with Verizon Wireless or is it possible to use this phone with Verizon Wireless?
Nope, you got the GSM version. Won't even pick up Verizon's towers as they use CDMA/LTE.
Interesting, I thought all the U.S. versions had carrier branding on the back. Or is AT&T not carrying the Nexus? I thought they did.
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Interesting, I thought all the U.S. versions had carrier branding on the back.
Most likely an unlocked version that isn't tied to carrier. Which means it's more likely to be the GSM version, if it was for Verizon they probably would've specified in the contest rules or something