Post pics of your workspace / computer desk


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Premium Member
First: I did search, but if this topic is already somewhere, I missed it. Let me know and I'll move it.

Second, I'll preface my entry by saying two things... a: It is VERY unfinished, and b: sorry the (droid) pics are so bad. I don't know if its because I shake or the camera just sucks. Either way, I'll be taking better pictures later.

Again, this is unfinished. the 4x4 posts (genuine bark still attached) are just to get the height right and hold up the top so i can finalize the shape. I'm going to finish the top and edges, but it will be after i get the final shape sorted. also, instead of having just legs, it will be boxed in with more MDF like a normal desk. as you can see, it will double as a drafting table. the chair is a Boliden model from IKEA and is not at all intended to be a desk chair. because of that, the legs of the desk are only 25" tall, as opposed to the typical 30" desk height.

Ignore the Akira flair. ;)





as opposed to my old "desk"..


Silver Member
My old desk ... my new one still has essentially everything I have now, just in a better layout, with no hutch.


New Member
Hmmm!!! These are really fantastic images of desktops, specially i love the RW-1's images it is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing with us.


I think I posted in another similar thread, but at the time I didn't have a shot of my latest computer/monitor. Here it is; taken today. At work I have double monitors and would like that in my studio as well.



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I took a quick photo for another thread and saw this. Right now I am cramped for space in the corner of our room that has the XBox in it. This will expand in the next couple of years when my son moves out of the house (or will that be like 10 years from now). Anyway, here's my "hamshack" where I read DF and play on the ham radio. Not much to look at.



^^ So, you're a fan of the TW golf games, too.. I used to be hooked bad on video golf. Haven't played in a while, though.


Silver Member
Thought I'd take a lousy shot today of the new desk, decorating is in progress, that is if we're able to stay in our new house :(

Flight simming is fun on three screens, so is half life and other FPS's...



Thought I'd take a lousy shot today of the new desk, decorating is in progress, that is if we're able to stay in our new house :(

Flight simming is fun on three screens, so is half life and other FPS's...


Awesome setup! Love the color of your room and the flying theme. Also love the pic on your center screen. :)


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Premium Member
I'm about to revise mine.. turn out that the cutout is far too aggressive for my tastes. Once I get the shape right I'll do sides and a back, plus finish the top with maple to complete it. If I could find a 4x8 sheet of bamboo laminate, that would be excellent.. ;)
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Silver Member
Thought I'd take a lousy shot today of the new desk, decorating is in progress, that is if we're able to stay in our new house :(

Flight simming is fun on three screens, so is half life and other FPS's...


Awesome setup! Love the color of your room and the flying theme. Also love the pic on your center screen. :)

I knew you would ....

Yeah, flying is my life, but lately more computer work onsite than flying :(

I still need to do some shelves, etc. The desk part isnt a desk but an extension, because my shark server case won't fit in a traditional computer "desk" cutout for the CPU.