opinion on the devour...

Just picked up the Devour yesterday for my wife, who is very much into social networking. The phone itself seems to be quite nice. I know it "Isn't as powerful as the Droid", which I have, but her old phone (HTC Touch Pro) wasn't absolutely awful in comparison to either phone. The phone seems stable, Motorola has some nice widgets and features built in that aren't on my Droid, and the keyboard is much easier to use than the Droid. What it ultimately comes down to is preference. Whether the motoblur is something that is worth to you, whether a great camera is important, or if braggin that you have a Droid is of the utmost importance. I'll post some more thoughts after a few days or weeks as my wife tests out the phone.
Droid Vs Devour

I have had the Devour for a couple months. What drew me to this phone was the solid feel and the keyboard. I have fat fingers and the Droid seemed a little cramped and flimsy. I am quite happy with the function and features of the phone, but have had multiple software issues (force closes on motoblur 30X a day, couple times phone has seemed to just stop and the system clock lost 45-60 minutes until I restarted phone). I got mine for $30 with free case/car charger, & blue-tooth headset at a time when the droid was running @$200. That made it a no brainer for me. I am anxiously awaiting VZN/MOTO to allow updated android to 2.1 and I think all will be much better.