OG Droid to Galaxy Nexus: Motorola Droid Appreciation Thread

As my droid has started not answering calls, not responding and rebooting itself on a whim, I am not the least bid sad to switch.
It will be relegated to an mp3 player, video streamer, alarm clock.
As my droid has started not answering calls, not responding and rebooting itself on a whim, I am not the least bid sad to switch.
It will be relegated to an mp3 player, video streamer, alarm clock.

BLASPHEMY!! OGD deserves more respect :D
My OG Droid will never die! I've had a Bionic for 3 months but I still use the OG on Wi-Fi when the Bionic is tied up in its HDMI dock. It still runs CM7 like a champ, with all non-essential apps removed. dancedroid
I miss my OG DROID. someone stole it from me. Got a DINC to hold me off for a bit...it was the cheapest phone I wouldnt have mind owning. I have the razr now. Trading it in for the NEXUS when I get a chance.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
I don't think any other phone could have put up with the abuse i dished out on my OG. i have literally thrown this thing across the room and it still keeps on ticking, and is snappy to this day. I like the alarm clock idea. Seems like a good way for the phone that started it all to live out it's final days :)

Sent from my DROID using Tapatalk
I love my Droid. I originally got it when i cracked my screen on my LG Voyager during a New Year's Eve party. From the first day, it was love at first touch. Dropped it so many times and it's like you couldn't even tell. Never put a screen protector on it and not a scratch on it. OG Droid is a beast. This last year, the internal space finally started becoming an issue. Kept hearing about all these new phones but none tickled my fancy til the Galaxy Nexus (Prime). Delays upon delays were really starting to irritate me but i'll held out hope. Finally the day is upon us.
Here's to you OG Droid. I may have replaced you, but i'll never forget you. *pours one out*dancedroid
This one's for my OG <pours a bit of malt in to the ground>.

He has served me well even if I am on my 2nd one. Both have succumbed to the power button problem but otherwise have functioned better than any smartphone I have owned. Although I got mad at it a couple of times I cannot hold it responsible for acting up on a testy ROM.

I also have to give a shout out to Peter Alfonso for giving us Bugless Beast; it certainly extended the life of the phone well beyond its age.

I believe I will retire it to the multimedia dock beside the bed to serve as an alarm clock/bedroom web device.

Good job ol' boy.
Anyone have a nice quality mp3 of the original "Droid" notification sound? I need that on my Nexus. :biggrin:
The infamous iDon't commercial


Sent using common sense.

Thanks for the Nostalgia... That is the commercial I saw during a baseball game, that made me come to Android. My OG Droid had been a faithful companion ever since. I think she'll like this new Nexus, I think she'll approve...
I feel like there's a lot of people here that seem to get every phone when it comes out D1, DX, DX2, D-Bionic, etc. For all of us that waited it out with our OG, this is such a HUGE upgrade!!

500mhz to (2) 1.2ghz processors
512mb to 32gb of internal app storage
3.7" to 4.65" display
256mb to 1gb of memory


I never really thought of it in those terms. The old soldier just reached retirement age. But, just as I replaced an old Soldier, so does the Nexus. STRONGER, LIGHTER, FASTER, MORE POWERFUL! The New Generation takes the reigns, the older generation just sit's back, and smiles. New stories will be told, again and again...
I finally retired my OG Droid today too. Long live the Nexus!!
Since I had an OG, Ive gone to an X2, a Bionic and now the Nexus... My OG, sadly.. met its maker when the charging port died. But, My wifes (although the traitor bought an iphone) lives on! It had CM7 on it and my daughter uses it to play games on... OG forever.. iphone never! Seriously, I might frame this phone when my daughters done and hang it in the hallway.