New update

I received the system update during the night... I installed it this morning, but what is the update for??? Don't really see any change except for the puzzle piece front end now changed...Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Tx
I received it overnight, as well - love the new lock screen! As for all of the updates: click the link in the second post of this thread - will take you to Verizons press release for this update and outline all of the changes.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using DroidForums
Just got the update.
Now, my screen unlock is some swipe mode, instead of the regular puzzle mode I used to use.
I've looked all over in my settings for a way to change back but can't find it.
Anybody know how to get back to puzzle unlock?
Am I overlooking a settings menu or something?
I received it overnight, as well - love the new lock screen! As for all of the updates: click the link in the second post of this thread - will take you to Verizons press release for this update and outline all of the changes.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using DroidForums

What link on this thread? I am looking for the press release and trying to find out what this update did. So far all I have seen is the way you answer your phone or unlock it has changed. What else is there for a 29 (i think) mb update

The remote access feature is a little scary... meaning Verizon can remote acces your phone at any given .. ofcourse they claim that they need your permission.

Sent from my charge...running Eclipse with Peanut butter and jelly
Since the new update my .wmv videos won't play. I only get a green screen. Is anyone else having this issue? Verizon can't duplicate it.
I have gotten the update twice now. Does not take. I am rooted not sure if that is stopping it.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using DroidForums
Stupid update.

Calls were fine before, now I am experiencing significant "clicking" sounds during calls.

It actually caused one of the issues it was supposed to fix.

What a freakin waste. I doubt verizon people ever step foot in here, but if you do, CHANGE MY PHONE BACK.

I just rooted and put a custom ROM on my phone. Now I'm getting OTA update reminders will I damage my phone if I install the update while rooted and with the customer ROM installed

Sent from my SCH-I510 using DroidForums
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Why did the status bar on top everything turned white even the battery indicator is white use to be green. Wifi even white it suppose to be like this...I hate it...
My husband's is like this too. His phone updated a week or so ago and now he has freezing issues as well.

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
Why did the status bar on top everything turned white even the battery indicator is white use to be green. Wifi even white it suppose to be like this...I hate it...

Yes, that's 4.4 KitKat. Maybe they'll allow us to set it as a system parameter in the future?
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